Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Homeschool Picnic Lunch

Taking advantage of the finer things in life: homeschooling and great Texas November weather!
(Yes, we're down one kid here, Caleb was on his birthday date with Nana.)

Monday, October 29, 2012

Fireside Mornings

Monday morning's low temperature makes for a great time together by the fire while Mom makes breakfast.

My Little China Girl

Poor Kayli dislocated her arm the morning we were to go camping.  It was bruised so much inside that they decided to cast it for a few weeks to keep it immobile so it would heal completely.  She was a trooper on the camp out.

Father Son Fishing

This was on our camping trip.  Jonah and Shane spent hours out there fishing together. :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Numbers 51-100 of Thankfulness

51. The sound of a train
52.  stick figure animals drawn by little hands
53.  children's laughter
54.  a cat chasing his tail- Po likes to do this in my bathtub while I shower; it's quite entertaining.
55. dinner with friends
56.  potty trained children
57.  a faithful husband
58.  for Growing Kids God's Way
59.  all four boys were sleeping 12 hour nights by 12 weeks old.
60.  a cat rubbing against my legs awaiting its dinner.
61.  kind words spoken between siblings
62.  laughter in my home.
63.  How greatly God changes people's lives!
64.  for Khamphoy visiting church tomorrow.
65.  my quiet mornings in the Word
66.  children's laughter filling my home.
67.  my family living so close
68.  how easily Matthew smiles
69.  how comfortably and confidently Jonahs talks to people.
70  How reserved and respectful Caleb is to adults
71.  how Nathan's heart is becoming more and more tender
72.  Kayli's speech is improving since tubes were put in
73.  thankful for a developmental test coming up
74.  painted fingernails in fun bold colors
75.  eyelashes resting on pudgy cheeks as my children sleep.
76.  the warmth of Zeke laying next to me
77.  The 14 women from NP signed up for the Bible study.
78.  homeschooling and the fun we're having!
79. thankful I've been reading so much
80.  scooters in the house
81. a house FULL of boys
82.  Jonah and all his amazing gifts
83.  the opportunity to build my children up.
84.  forgiveness
85. grace
86.  My Father's unconditional love
87. the ability to have a relationship with Him!
88. His good plan
89. cool weather and the relief that comes with it.
90.  RR homeschool group
91.  that the Hindes are still homeschooling
92.  our friendship with the Hudsons
93.  that Jonah and Caleb are such good friends
94. gift of brotherhood
95.  Kayli and the blessing to adopt
96.  waking up early and having a quiet house
97. Yankee candles and all their comforting scents
98. spending the days with my children
99. reading with my children
100.  my husband who proactively mentors younger men and who coaches Community Group leaders

Baseball Hat Wings

Matthew (Matty) Norcross- aka: "Smiles" and his hat wings.

Boys at Play

We finished school this day and the boys wanted to go outside and enjoy the cooler weather to play.  They headed out.  After an hour or so of quiet uninterrupted time, I began to wonder what they were doing.  I stepped outside to find them under the trampoline digging and playing in the dirt.  Living in harmony, loving one another, and it melted my heart.

Some Cousin Time

My cute one year old niece came and stayed with us for a long weekend while her parents went on a mini trip.  Kayli had an absolute blast having a girl playmate around all day!

On the 7th Day They Rested

Our homeschool schedule this year is set up to where every seventh week of school we take a week off and rest.  This is along with a month off for Christmas as well and a summer break too.  We work really hard during our six weeks with very few days off but then rest well on those weeks we do get off.  Here spent a few days at Nana and Papa's in Houston, it's almost lunch time and some of us are still in our p.j.'s and everyone has bedhead hair. :)

Miniature Muscians

Nathan has really been getting into music.  For his birthday we told him we would buy him an acoustic guitar.  We found one on craigslist that was a really good deal and the seller also had other, new-in-the-box, instruments for really good prices.  Nathan decided that he wanted to chip in some of his money from his savings and get an electric guitar with an amp as well as a drum set that was a step up from his Walmart brand set that he had had for over a year.  He loves playing his instruments!

September Family Field Trip

So thankful for the opportunity to spend so much time pouring my love into my kids.  So thankful for the time I have with each of them and the wonderful memories we are making through homeschooling!  This was a homeschool day at the Texas State History Museum so we spent the day learning about the Indians, Spaniards, and Englishman first dwelling on this state as well as taking in an IMAX on the Arctic in 3D.  My Mom, the kid's Nana, was also able to join us.  We had a wonderful day!

Homeschooling Love Notes

Homeschooling my children forces me to be much more intentional in doing little "I love you's" throughout their week. Let's face it, they don't have lunch boxes for me to send little notes tucked inside of awaiting their discovery. Nor ca
n I surprise them on their lunch period with a visit from Mom! Nope, a homeschool Mom has to get a little more creative in showering their little hearts throughout the weeks with surprising methods at home to continue reminding each one of my children how greatly they are loved and adored by their Mom and Dad and by their heavenly Father as well!

Courage. Liberty. Freedom.

I took this photo on the morning of the memorial of 9/11, 2012.  We had just hung the flag out and I asked the kids to go down and rather than say the pledge inside at our small flag in our classroom today, that I would like them to say the pledge to the one hanging in memory.  As they were saying it I ran and got my camera sitting nearby and snapped this priceless shot.

Numbers 1-50 of Thankfulness

1. The curve of a young child's nose
2.  The sound that cutting raw potatoes make
3.  My hardworking husband ashing my van
4.  Porch lights left on in the daytime.
5.  Wooden swords left on the ground by little boys.
6.  children playing in costumes
7.  This perfectly beautiful journal waiting for years for me to use.
8.  the help that my boys are
9.  for classroom desks
10. my dog, Zeke, curled up watching my every move
11.  little dog noses peaking out from under covers.
12.  A couple adopting a child!
13.  five little ones gathered around a book as I read.
14.  family that all live close by
15.  dark almond chocolate milk
16.  the feel of a cat rubbing up against my calves
17.  late night productivity
18.  hair bow in all their myriad colors
19.  children heading out the door-excited to go to church.
20.  toddlers shoes worn on the wrong feet.
21.  balloons and donuts to bring in the new school year
22.  giggles around the dinner table
23.  how clean my van is thanks to Shane
24.  surviving first day of school even with VLS camp and an ortho appt.
25.  nose kisses
26.  rocking my daughter after her bath with her wet hair on my shoulder
27.  my first love note from and written by my five year old son, Nathan.
28.  quiet solitary mornings
29.  the kids riding their scooters and cars in the house
30.  my children's laughter
31.  shadows
32.  my brother, Eric, and the wonderful dinner we had with him
33.  how sweet Nathan has been lately - to me.
34.  for a GREAT first week of school!
35.  that the Hindes are homeschooling too!
36.  for the women signed up for the Bible study.
37.  the forest
38.  our time at Forest Dreams
39.  a lap top given to me
40.  ALL the volunteers at Northpoint
41.  Buck and Jill and all the years of memories with them.
42.  evenings where I don't have to cook
43.  productive days
44. my dogs cuddled on the couch with me
45. my five year old boy, Nathan reading to me.
46.  the sound streams make spilling over rocks
47. wind blowing in the leaves and through the branches
48.  cool fall weather
49. spring in all it's pastel colors
50.  holidays that celebrate Jesus!

One Thousand Gifts

About six months ago I began hearing the buzz on a particular book, One Thousand Gifts, and what a must-read it is!  I decided to make it my "book to read" during my vacation scheduled a few months out in July.  Although I did not finish it on my vacation and getting back into life's routine has proven difficult to finish a leisure read outside of my kid's homeschool curriculum books, I am slowly getting through it and am more than half way there.  However, you only have to be a few chapters in to understand the importance of giving thanks in all circumstances and that that begins with practicing thankfulness all the time.  I began a thankfulness journal as soon as I got home from my vacation and then a picture diary shortly after that.  I decided to compile the two, my List of Thankfulness along with my Thankful Picture Diary, into a blog to capture and keep a record of all of God's blessings that He has given us in this world and in my life personally.  It all began in August with #1...